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2021 새해 건강 결심 10가지

by 건강웰빙정보 2021. 1. 17.

The 10 Healthiest New Year's Resolutions You Can Make

By Alyssa Sparacino Updated January 11, 2021

This year, pick one of these worthy resolutions—and stick with it.

올해에는 이들 가치있는 결심 중 하나를 선택하고 이를 고수하십시오.

1 of 11

New Year, healthier you

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies:

They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain.

새해 결심은 아기와 비슷합니다:

결심은 재미있지만 유지하기는 매우 어렵습니다.

매년 1월, 미국인 3명 중 1명은 어떤 식으로든 자신을 개선하기로 결심합니다.

Each January, roughly one in three Americans resolve to better themselves in some way.

A much smaller percentage of people actually make good on those resolutions. 이 결심을 실천하는 사람은 실제로 아주 적습니다.

While about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) are still on target six months later, research suggests.

연구에 따르면, 약 75% 사람들이 적어도 1주일 동안 목표를 고수하지만, 절반 미만 (46%)이 6개월 까지 목표를 달성하고 있습니다.

시작 후 몇 달 동안 열정을 유지하는 것은 어렵지만 불가능하지는 않습니다.

It's hard to keep up the enthusiasm months after you've swept up the confetti, but it's not impossible.

올해에는 다음과 같은 가치있는 결의 중 하나를 선택하고 그 방법을 따르십시오 - 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

This year, pick one of the following worthy resolutions, and stick with it—here's how.

Start practicing healthy habits

건강한 습관 시작하기

건강한 습관의 의미를 알고 있습니다:

더 건강한 식사와 운동 루틴 시작.

"You know what that means: eating healthier and starting an exercise routine.

쉽게 들릴 수 있지만 이것이 가장 인기있는 결심 중 하나라는 사실은 실천이 얼마나 어려운지를 암시합니다.

It sounds easy enough, but the fact that this is perennially among the most popular resolutions suggests just how difficult it is to commit to.

But you can succeed if you don’t expect overnight success.

하지만 하룻밤 사이에 성공하리라 기대하지 않으면 성공할 수 있습니다.

"You want results yesterday, and desperation mode kicks in," says Pam Peeke, MD, author of Body for Life for Women.

Body for Life for Women의 저자 Pam Peeke, MD는 "어제 결과를 원하고 절망 모드가 시작됩니다"라고 말합니다.

"Beware of the valley of quickie cures."

"졸속 치유의 계곡을 조심하십시오."

또한 도로 충돌을 계획하십시오.

Also, plan for bumps in the road.

Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat and have a support system in place.

음식 일지를 사용하여 먹는 음식을 추적하고 지원 시스템을 마련하십시오.

"4주에서 6주 정도, 사람들은 변명하기 시작합니다"라고 Peeke 박사는 말합니다.

"Around week four to six...people become excuse mills," Dr. Peeke says.

"그래서 힘든 시기를 극복할 수 있도록 정기적으로 누군가가 있는 것이 중요합니다."

"That’s why it’s important to have someone there on a regular basis to get you through those rough times."

건강 전문


Heath Mall

CBD 리포솜 글루타티온 전문


Stay in touch 연락 유지

오랜 친구 (또는 가족)을 외면하고 있나요?

그들과 다시 연결되면 건강에 좋습니다.

연구에 따르면 사회적 유대가 강한 사람들은 그렇지 않은 사람들보다 더 오래 산다고 합니다.

Feel like old friends (or family) have fallen by the wayside? It’s good for your health to reconnect with them. Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don’t.

실제로 사회적 유대가 부족하면 알코올 남용과 흡연만큼 건강에 해를 끼칠 수 있으며, 비만과 운동 부족보다 훨씬 더 많은 것으로 PLoS Medicine 저널에 실린 2010년 연구에서 제안합니다.

In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study in the journal PLoS Medicine suggests.

기술로 고정 된 시대에 친구 및 가족과 연락을 유지하거나 관계를 되살리는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. Facebook을 시작하고 직접 방문하여 후속 조치를 취하세요.

In a technology-fixated era, it’s never been easier to stay in touch—or rejuvenate your relationship—with friends and family, so fire up Facebook and follow up with in-person visits.

Stock up for your health 건강을 위해 비축

CVS is here to help you get started on your wellness journey.

CVS는 웰빙 여정을 시작하는 데 도움을 드립니다.

By providing a wide array of vitamins, supplements, immunity support products and more, they’re helping make healthier easier.

다양한 비타민, 보충제, 면역 지원 제품 등을 제공함으로써 더 쉽게 건강하게 만들 수 있습니다.

Now during Wellness Savings Weeks, save on select wellness support products and more.

이제 Wellness Savings Weeks 동안 일부 웰빙 지원 제품 등을 할인 받으세요.


Black Elderberry Capsules 1000mg | 100 Count | Super Concentrated Sambucus Extract | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | by Nature's Truth

Black Elderberry Capsules 1000mg | 100 Count | Super Concentrated Sambucus Extract | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | by Nature's Truth


Check with your healthcare provider before taking any vitamins or supplements.

비타민이나 보충제를 복용하기 전에 의사와 상의하십시오.

금연 Quit smoking

Fear that you’ve failed too many times to try again?

다시 시도하기에는 너무 많이 실패한 것이 두렵습니까?

금연자 말을 들어보면 여러 번의 시도가 성공의 길임을 알 수 있습니다.

Talk to any ex-smoker, and you’ll see that multiple attempts are often the path to success.

"It’s one of the harder habits to quit," says Merle Myerson, MD, director of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals, in New York City.

뉴욕시 St. Luke ’s 및 Roosevelt Hospitals의 심혈관질환 예방 프로그램 디렉터 Merle Myerson, MD는 "금연은 중단하기 어려운 습관 중 하나입니다"라고 말합니다.

"But I always tell people to think of how much money they will save."

"하지만 나는 항상 사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 많은 돈이 저축되나를 생각하라고 말합니다."

돈 절약 Save money

Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes.

Walk or ride your bike to work, or explore carpooling. (That means more money in your pocket and less air pollution.)

건강한 생활 방식을 변경하여 비용을 절약하십시오.

걷거나 자전거를 타고 출근하거나 카풀을 탐험 해보세요. (즉, 주머니에 돈이 더 많이 들어가고 대기 오염이 줄어듬)

Cut back on gym membership costs by exercising at home.

Many free fitness apps and workout videos can get you sweating.

집에서 운동하여 체육관 회원 비를 줄이십시오.

많은 무료 피트니스 앱과 운동 동영상으로 땀을 흘릴 수 있습니다.

냉장고에 있는 것을 보고 식료품 목록을 만드십시오.

Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list.

Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet.

목표없는 슈퍼마켓 쇼핑은 식단과 지갑에 대한 잘못된 선택으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

스트레스 해소 Cut your stress

때때로 약간의 압력은 우리를 죽이지 않습니다:

사실 짧은 스트레스는 우리에게 에너지를 높여줍니다.

A little pressure now and again won’t kill us; in fact, short bouts of stress give us an energy boost.

But if stress is chronic, it can increase your risk of—or worsen—insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more.

그러나 스트레스가 만성적이면 불면증, 우울증, 비만, 심장병 등의 위험을 증가시키거나 악화시킬 수 있습니다.

Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress, says Roberta Lee, MD, an integrative medicine specialist at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City, and the author of The Super Stress Solution.

뉴욕시 Beth Israel Medical Center의 통합의학 전문가,The Super Stress Solution 저자, Roberta Lee, MD는 긴 작업 시간, 적은 수면, 운동 없음, 열악한 식단, 가족 및 친구들과 시간을 보내지 않는 것이 스트레스를 유발할 수 있다고 말합니다.

"스트레스는 삶의 피할 수없는 부분입니다"라고 그녀는 말합니다.

"휴식, 수면, 사교, 휴가는 모두 우리가 마땅히 받을 자격이 있다고 말하지만 스스로를 허용하지 않습니다."

"Stress is an inevitable part of life," she says. "Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things we tell ourselves we deserve but don’t allow ourselves to have."

Volunteer 자원봉사

We tend to think our own bliss relies on bettering ourselves, but our happiness also increases when we help others, Peter Kanaris, PhD, coordinator of public education for the New York State Psychological Association, tells Health.

우리는 우리 자신의 행복이 우리 자신을 향상시키는 데 달려 있다고 생각하는 경향이 있지만, 우리가 다른 사람들을 도울 때 우리의 행복도 증가한다고 뉴욕주 심리학협회의 공교육 코디네이터 Peter Kanaris 박사는 말합니다.

그리고 그거 알아? 행복은 건강에 좋습니다.

2010년 연구에 따르면 긍정적 감정을 가진 사람들은 우울한 동료들보다 심장마비나 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 약 20% 낮습니다.

다른 연구에 따르면 긍정적 감정은 사람들을 더 탄력있고 수완으로 만들 수 있습니다.

And guess what? Happiness is good for your health. A 2010 study found that people with positive emotions were about 20% less likely than their gloomier peers to have a heart attack or develop heart disease. Other research suggests that positive emotions can make people more resilient and resourceful.

"Someone who makes this sort of resolution is likely to obtain a tremendous personal benefit in the happiness department," Kanaris says.

Kanaris는 "이런 종류의 결심을하는 사람은 행복 부서에서 엄청난 개인적 이익을 얻을 가능성이 있습니다"라고 말합니다.

Go back to school

나이에 관계없이 교실로 돌아 가면 경력을 개선하고 새로운 친구를 소개하며 두뇌 능력을 높일 수 있습니다.

No matter how old you are, heading back to the classroom can help revamp your career, introduce you to new friends, and even boost your brainpower.

2007년 연구에 따르면 지난 25년 동안 학교 (야간 학교 포함)로 돌아간 중년 성인은 그렇지 않은 성인보다 기억력과 언어 능력이 더 강했습니다.

A 2007 study found that middle-age adults who had gone back to school (including night school) sometime in the previous quarter century had stronger memories and verbal skills than those who did not.

또한, 여러 연구에서 고등 교육 수준을 알츠하이머병 위험 감소와 연관지었습니다.

What’s more, several studies have linked higher educational attainment to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Kanaris는 "새로운 지식을 습득하여 성취감을 얻고 있으며 사람들을 만나고 이전에는 없었던 가능성을 창출하고 있습니다"라고 말합니다.

"You are gaining a sense of accomplishment by gaining new knowledge, and you are out there meeting people and creating possibilities that were never there before," Kanaris says.

Cut back on alcohol 음주 절제

소량의 알코올의 건강 효능에 대해 많은 글이 작성되었지만, 너무 많은 양의 술이 여전히 더 큰 문제입니다.

While much has been written about the health benefits of a small amount of alcohol, too much tippling is still the bigger problem.

Drinking alcohol in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures.

과도한 음주는 뇌의 신경 전달 물질에 영향을 미치며 우울증, 기억 상실 또는 발작의 위험을 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

더 나아가 : 만성 과음은 간 및 심장 질환, 고혈압, 뇌졸중, 정신 악화, 심지어 입, 인후, 간 및 유방의 암의 위험을 높입니다.

Even more: Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, and breast.

결론 : 나이트캡을 제한하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.

The bottom line: It's best to start limiting your nightcaps.


Sambucol Black Elderberry Immune Support Syrup, Total 15.6 Ounces, Pack of 2

Sambucol Black Elderberry Immune Support Syrup, Total 15.6 Ounces, Pack of 2


Get more sleep 충분한 수면

숙면을 취하면 기분과 외모에 놀라운 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 사실을 이미 알고있을 것입니다.

그러나 수면은 당신이 생각하는 것보다 건강에 더 유익합니다.

수면 부족은 비만 및 2형 당뇨병의 위험이 더 높은 것과 관련이 있습니다.

그리고 수면은 기억을 강화하는 데 중요합니다 (통합이라고하는 과정). 그러니 낮잠자고 그것에 대해 죄책감을 느끼지 마십시오.

You probably already know that a good night’s rest can do wonders for your mood—and appearance. But sleep is more beneficial to your health than you might realize. A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is crucial for strengthening memories (a process called consolidation). So take a nap—and don’t feel guilty about it.

Everything in This Slideshow

1 of 11

New Year, healthier you

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain.

Each January, roughly one in three Americans resolve to better themselves in some way. A much smaller percentage of people actually make good on those resolutions. While about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) are still on target six months later, research suggests.

It's hard to keep up the enthusiasm months after you've swept up the confetti, but it's not impossible. This year, pick one of the following worthy resolutions, and stick with it—here's how.

Watch the video: 5 Simple Tricks to Stick to Your Weight Loss Goal

2 of 11

Start practicing healthy habits

You know what that means: eating healthier and starting an exercise routine. It sounds easy enough, but the fact that this is perennially among the most popular resolutions suggests just how difficult it is to commit to. But you can succeed if you don’t expect overnight success. "You want results yesterday, and desperation mode kicks in," says Pam Peeke, MD, author of Body for Life for Women. "Beware of the valley of quickie cures."

Also, plan for bumps in the road. Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat and have a support system in place. "Around week four to six...people become excuse mills," Dr. Peeke says. "That’s why it’s important to have someone there on a regular basis to get you through those rough times."

RELATED: If You’re Going to Make One Diet Change in 2018, Make It This One

3 of 11

Stay in touch

Feel like old friends (or family) have fallen by the wayside? It’s good for your health to reconnect with them. Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don’t.

In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study in the journal PLoS Medicine suggests.

In a technology-fixated era, it’s never been easier to stay in touch—or rejuvenate your relationship—with friends and family, so fire up Facebook and follow up with in-person visits.

RELATED: 25 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress

4 of 11

Stock up for your health

CVS is here to help you get started on your wellness journey. By providing a wide array of vitamins, supplements, immunity support products and more, they’re helping make healthier easier. Now during Wellness Savings Weeks, save on select wellness support products and more.

Check with your healthcare provider before taking any vitamins or supplements.


5 of 11

Quit smoking

Fear that you’ve failed too many times to try again? Talk to any ex-smoker, and you’ll see that multiple attempts are often the path to success.

"It’s one of the harder habits to quit," says Merle Myerson, MD, director of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals, in New York City. "But I always tell people to think of how much money they will save."

RELATED: 97 Reasons to Quit Smoking

6 of 11

Save money

Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride your bike to work, or explore carpooling. (That means more money in your pocket and less air pollution.)

Cut back on gym membership costs by exercising at home. Many free fitness apps and workout videos can get you sweating.

Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet.

RELATED: This is How Much Money You Save When You Pack Your Lunch

7 of 11

Cut your stress

A little pressure now and again won’t kill us; in fact, short bouts of stress give us an energy boost. But if stress is chronic, it can increase your risk of—or worsen—insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more.

Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress, says Roberta Lee, MD, an integrative medicine specialist at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City, and the author of The Super Stress Solution.

"Stress is an inevitable part of life," she says. "Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things we tell ourselves we deserve but don’t allow ourselves to have."

RELATED: 7 New Year’s Resolutions That Put Your Mental Health First

8 of 11


We tend to think our own bliss relies on bettering ourselves, but our happiness also increases when we help others, Peter Kanaris, PhD, coordinator of public education for the New York State Psychological Association, tells Health.

And guess what? Happiness is good for your health. A 2010 study found that people with positive emotions were about 20% less likely than their gloomier peers to have a heart attack or develop heart disease. Other research suggests that positive emotions can make people more resilient and resourceful.

"Someone who makes this sort of resolution is likely to obtain a tremendous personal benefit in the happiness department," Kanaris says.

9 of 11

Go back to school

No matter how old you are, heading back to the classroom can help revamp your career, introduce you to new friends, and even boost your brainpower.

A 2007 study found that middle-age adults who had gone back to school (including night school) sometime in the previous quarter century had stronger memories and verbal skills than those who did not. What’s more, several studies have linked higher educational attainment to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

"You are gaining a sense of accomplishment by gaining new knowledge, and you are out there meeting people and creating possibilities that were never there before," Kanaris says.

10 of 11

Cut back on alcohol

While much has been written about the health benefits of a small amount of alcohol, too much tippling is still the bigger problem. Drinking alcohol in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures. Even more: Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, and breast. The bottom line: It's best to start limiting your nightcaps.

RELATED: 8 Alcoholic Drinks Ranked From Most Calories to Least

11 of 11

Get more sleep

You probably already know that a good night’s rest can do wonders for your mood—and appearance. But sleep is more beneficial to your health than you might realize. A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is crucial for strengthening memories (a process called consolidation). So take a nap—and don’t feel guilty about it.

