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제2형 당뇨병: #인공췌장 이 #혈당수치 개선에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

by 건강웰빙정보 2023. 2. 1.


Type 2 Diabetes: An Artificial Pancreas May Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels

제2형 당뇨병: #인공췌장#혈당수치 개선에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

grandriver/Getty Images

  • 새로운 연구에 따르면 인공 췌장이 제2형 당뇨병 환자에게 도움이 될 수 있습니다 A new study finds that an artificial pancreas may help people with type 2 diabetes.
  • 혈당 수치는 심각한 합병증 위험을 증가시키지 않고 개선을 보여줍니다 Blood glucose levels show improvement without increasing the risk of severe complications.
  • 이 시스템은 원래 제1형 당뇨병 환자의 혈당 수치를 관리하기 위해 개발되었습니다 The system was originally developed to manage blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes.

전 세계적으로 약 4억 1500만 명의 사람들이 제2형 당뇨병을 앓고 있으며 혈당 수치를 특정 범위 내로 유지하는 것이 장기적 당뇨병 합병증의 위험을 줄이는 데 매우 중요합니다.

새로운 연구에 따르면 완전 폐쇄형 인슐린 요법은 제2형 당뇨병 환자가 심각한 저혈당증 또는 위험한 저혈당 위험을 높이지 않고 혈당 수치를 개선하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

이 연구는 1월 11일 Nature Medicine에 영국 케임브리지에 있는 애든브룩 병원의 웰컴-MRC 대사과학연구소와 울프슨 당뇨병 및 내분비 클리닉 연구원들에 의해 발표되었습니다.

연구원들은 연속 혈당 모니터(CGM)를 인슐린 펌프와 통합하여 혈당 테스트 및 인슐린 전달을 자동화함으로써 인공췌장 기능을 하는 CamAPS FX® Android 앱을 평가했습니다.

이 시스템은 원래 제1형 당뇨병 환자의 혈당 수치를 관리하기 위해 개발되었지만, 새로운 연구에서는 이 시스템이 특정 포도당 범위에서 보내는 시간을 2배로 늘리고 함께 보내는 시간을 절반으로 줄임으로써 제2형 당뇨병환자에게도 도움이 된다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 높은 포도당 수치.

"제2형 당뇨병을 앓고 있는 많은 사람들이 인슐린주사와 같은 현재 이용가능한 치료법을 사용하여 혈당 수치를 관리하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다"라고 이 연구 공동책임자 Charlotte Boughton 박사는 보도 자료에서 말했습니다.

"인공 췌장은 이를 돕기 위한 안전하고 효과적인 접근방식을 제공할 수 있으며, 이 기술은 사용하기 쉽고 집에서 안전하게 구현할 수 있습니다"라고 그녀는 덧붙였습니다.

Roughly 415 million people around the world have type 2 diabetes — and keeping their blood glucose levels within a specific range is critically important to reducing their risk of long-term diabetes complications.

New research suggests that fully closed-loop insulin therapy may help people with type 2 diabetes improve blood glucose levels without raising their risk of severe hypoglycemia, or dangerously low blood sugar.

The study was published January 11 in Nature Medicineby researchers from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the Wolfson Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic in Cambridge, UK.

The researchers evaluated the CamAPS FX® Android app, which functions as an artificial pancreas by integrating a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) with an insulin pump to automate blood glucose testing and insulin delivery.

The system was originally developed to manage blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes, but the new study found it also benefited people with type 2 diabetes by doubling the amount of time they spent in a specific glucose range and halving the time they spent with high glucose levels.

“Many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to manage their blood sugar levels using the currently available treatments, such as insulin injections,” Dr. Charlotte Boughton, co-leader of the study, said in a press release.

“The artificial pancreas can provide a safe and effective approach to help them, and the technology is simple to use and can be implemented safely at home,” she added.

폐쇄루프 대 표준인슐린요법

Closed-loop vs. standard insulin therapy

제2형 당뇨병 환자의 경우 혈당을 목표 범위 내로 유지하면 잠재적으로 삶을 바꾸는 합병증으로 이어질 수 있는 장기 손상을 예방하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

사람들이 처음 제2형 당뇨병에 걸리면 많은 사람들이 생활 습관 변화와 메트포르민과 같은 경구 약물을 함께 사용하여 혈당 수치를 관리할 수 있습니다.

그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 제2형 당뇨병 환자의 최대 20~30%가 인슐린 주사 치료를 필요로 합니다.

표준 인슐린 요법에서 사람들은 수동으로 혈당 수치를 테스트하고 하루에 여러 번 수동으로 인슐린을 주사하여 혈당을 목표 범위 내로 유지합니다.

이에 비해 폐쇄 루프 시스템은 웨어러블 CGM을 통해 사람의 혈당 수치에 대한 정보를 수집하고 웨어러블 인슐린 펌프를 통해 인슐린을 전달합니다.

이것은 더 많은 포도당 반응 치료를 제공하고 수동 테스트 및 인슐린 주사의 필요성을 제거하는 동시에 포도당 조절을 지원합니다.

"당뇨병 치료제가 나올 때까지 인슐린 전달을 자동화할 수 있는 앱 기반 소프트웨어는 치료를 진행하는 데 매우 중요합니다"라고 오하이오 핀들레이 블랜차드 밸리 당뇨병센터 의료책임자 Thomas Grace 박사는 Healthline에 말했습니다.

"인슐린 전달을 자동화하는 데 도움이 되는 모든 장치는 제1형 또는 제2형 당뇨병 환자에게 이점이 있습니다"라고 새 연구에 참여하지 않은 Grace는 계속 말했습니다.

"목표는 사람들의 혈당을 잘 조절하여 절단, 실명, 신장질환, 심장마비, 뇌졸중과 같은 당뇨병 합병증에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없도록 하는 것입니다."

For people with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood glucose within target range helps prevent organ damage that can lead to potentially life-altering complications.

When people first develop type 2 diabetes, many of them can manage their blood glucose levels using a combination of lifestyle changes and oral medication such as metformin.

But as time goes on, up to 20–30% of people with type 2 diabetes require treatment with insulin injections.

In standard insulin therapy, people manually test their blood glucose levels and manually inject insulin multiple times per day to keep their blood glucose within target range.

In comparison, closed-loop systems collect information about a person’s blood glucose levels through a wearable CGM and deliver insulin through a wearable insulin pump.

This provides more glucose-responsive treatment and eliminates the need for manual testing and insulin injections, while helping to support glucose control.

“Until there’s a cure for diabetes, app-based software that can automate insulin delivery is crucial to making treatment progress,” Dr. Thomas Grace, MD, Medical Director of the Blanchard Valley Diabetes Center in Findlay, Ohio, told Healthline.

“Any device that can help automate insulin delivery has benefits for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes,” Grace, who was not involved in the new study, continued. “The goal is to get people’s blood sugar so well controlled that they never have to worry about having diabetes complications like amputations, blindness, kidney disease, heart attacks, and stroke.”

포도당 관리 개선

Improving glucose management

CamAPS FX® 폐쇄 루프 시스템을 평가하기 위해 새로운 연구의 저자는 2형 당뇨병 성인 26명을 무작위로 배정하여 이 시스템 또는 표준 인슐린 요법으로 8주 동안 치료를 받았습니다.

그런 다음 참가자들은 2-4주 휴식을 취한 후 다른 8주 동안 다른 치료로 전환했습니다.

폐쇄루프 인슐린요법은 참가자의 포도당관리를 크게 개선했습니다.

참가자들은 폐쇄 루프 인슐린 요법을 받는 동안 목표 포도당 범위에서 시간의 66%를 보냈고 표준 인슐린요법을 받는 동안에는 32%를 보냈습니다.

폐쇄 루프 인슐린 요법은 또한 평균 포도당 및 HbA1C 수치를 낮추는 것과 관련이 있습니다.

HbA1C는 지난 3개월 동안의 평균 포도당 수준을 평가하는 데 사용되는 검사입니다.

미국당뇨병협회(American Diabetes Association)의 최고 과학 및 의료책임자Robert Gabbay 박사는 Healthline과의 인터뷰에서 "여기에서 볼 수 있는 포도당 수치 개선과 궁극적으로 당뇨병 합병증의 위험 감소에 관한 이점이 있습니다"라고 말했습니다.

To evaluate the CamAPS FX® closed-loop system, the authors of the new study randomly assigned 26 adults with type 2 diabetes to receive treatment with this system or with standard insulin therapy for 8 weeks. Then participants took a 2-4 week break, before switching to the other treatment for another 8 weeks.

Closed-loop insulin therapy significantly improved participants’ glucose management.

Participants spent 66% of their time in the target glucose range while receiving closed-loop insulin therapy, versus 32% while receiving standard insulin therapy.

Closed-loop insulin therapy was also linked to lower mean glucose and HbA1C levels. HbA1C is a test used to evaluate average glucose levels over the past 3 months.

“The benefits are around improving glucose levels, which was seen here, and ultimately through reducing the risk of complications of diabetes,” Dr. Robert Gabbay, MD, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer at the American Diabetes Association, told Healthline.

Gabbay는 폐쇄루프 인슐린요법의 잠재적 위험을 평가하기 위해 더 많은 연구가 필요하지만 이 연구 결과가 유망하다고 언급했습니다.

연구 참여자 중 폐루프 또는 표준 인슐린 요법을 받는 동안 심각한 저혈당증이 발생하지 않았지만 한 명은 폐루프 시스템의 인슐린 펌프가 몸에 부착된 부위에 농양이 생겼습니다.

"현 시점에서 우리는 제2형 당뇨병 환자를 위한 자동 인슐린 전달의 효과를 보여주기 위해 이와 같은 더 많은 연구가 필요합니다"라고 Gabbay는 말했습니다.

"[폐쇄형 루프 시스템에 대한] 연구 대부분은 제1형 당뇨병에 관한 것이었고, 우리는 이 혁신으로부터 혜택을 받을 수 있는 [제2형 당뇨병이 있는] 개인그룹을 살펴보는 이 작업에 대해 흥분하고 있습니다."

Gabbay added that more research is needed to evaluate the potential risks of closed-loop insulin therapy but noted that the findings from this study are promising.

None of the research participants developed severe hypoglycemia while receiving either closed-loop or standard insulin therapy, but one developed an abscess at the site where the closed-looped system’s insulin pump attached to the body.

“At this point, we need more studies like this one to show the effectiveness of automated insulin delivery for people with type 2 diabetes,” said Gabbay. “Most of the research [on closed-loop systems] has been around type 1 diabetes, and we are excited about this work looking at a group of individuals [with type 2 diabetes] who could benefit from this innovation.”

스마트 기술을 사용하여 루프를 닫습니다.

Using smart tech to close the loop

미국에서는 제1형 및 제2형 당뇨병 환자를 위해 다중 폐쇄루프 인슐린요법 시스템을 이미 사용할 수 있지만 하이브리드 시스템이므로 사용자는 여전히 음식소비에 대한 일부 정보를 입력해야 합니다.

이에 비해 새로운 연구의 CamAPS FX® 앱은 사용자가 간식이나 식사에 대한 정보를 입력할 필요가 없는 완전 폐쇄루프 시스템을 제공합니다.

이 기능은 맞춤형 인슐린 용량을 제공하기 위해 사용자의 CGM 데이터를 분석하는 앱의 인공지능 기반 알고리즘에 의존합니다.

“시간이 지남에 따라 알고리즘은 관찰된 포도당 패턴에 적응하여 보다 맞춤화되고 정확한 설정을 가능하게 합니다”라고 Grace는 말했습니다.

“그래서 당신에게서 배울 때 포도당 수치의 변동성을 최소화하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 매우 흥미진진합니다.”

Grace는 미국을 포함하여 향후 더 많은 완전 폐루프 시스템을 사용할 수 있을 것으로 예상합니다.

Multiple closed-loop insulin therapy systems are already available for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the United States, but they’re hybrid systems—which means users still need to enter some information about their food consumption.

In comparison, the CamAPS FX® app in the new study provides a fully closed-looped system that doesn’t require users to enter any information about their snacks or meals.

This functionality relies on the app’s artificial intelligence-powered algorithm, which analyzes users’ CGM data to provide tailored insulin doses.

“Over time, the algorithm adapts to the observed glucose patterns, enabling more tailored and accurate settings,” said Grace. “So as it learns from you, it helps to minimize the variability in your glucose levels. Super exciting.”

Grace expects more fully closed-loop systems to become available in the future, including in the United States.

건강전문 몰


걱정은 줄이고, 자신감은 높이고Reducing worry, increasing confidence

일부 주에서는 제1형 또는 제2형 당뇨병을 관리하기 위해 인슐린이 필요한 사람들이 이미 건강 보험을 통해 CGM 및 폐쇄 루프 인슐린 치료 시스템에 접근할 수 있습니다.

그러나 이러한 기술에 대한 보험 적용 범위는 주 및 보험 플랜에 따라 다릅니다.

Grace는 이러한 기술에 대한 접근성이 미국 및 기타 국가의 사람들을 위해 지속적으로 개선되어 당뇨병 합병증의 비율을 줄일 뿐만 아니라 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있기를 희망합니다.

Grace는 제1형 당뇨병을 앓고 있으며 자동화된 당뇨병 기술이 제공할 수 있는 개선사항을 직접 경험했습니다.

그는 “5년 전만 해도 여전히 손가락을 찔러 인슐린 주사를 맞고 있었다”고 말했습니다.

“이제 Dexcom CGM을 착용할 수 있고 Omnipod 5[인슐린전달시스템]에 연결되어 있으며 스트레스해소, 걱정완화, 전반적 웰빙 및 자신감 당뇨병을 관리하는 데 있어서 이제 막 지붕을 뚫었습니다.”

In some states, people who require insulin to manage type 1 or type 2 diabetes may already have access to CGM and closed-loop insulin therapy systems through their health insurance.

However, insurance coverage for these technologies varies across states and insurance plans.

Grace hopes that access to these technologies will continue to improve for people in the United States and other countries, which may not only reduce rates of diabetes complications but also improve quality of life.

Grace lives with type 1 diabetes himself and has experienced firsthand the improvements that automated diabetes technologies can provide.

“Five years ago, I was still poking my finger and delivering insulin injections,” he said. “Now I can wear my Dexcom CGM, and it’s hooked up to my Omnipod 5 [insulin delivery system], and the amount of stress that’s been relieved, the amount of worry that’s been relieved, and the overall sense of well-being and confidence in managing my diabetes have just gone through the roof.”


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Current Version

Jan 12, 2023

Written By

Heather Grey

Edited By

Gillian Mohney

Fact Checked By

Michael Crescione

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By Heather Grey on January 12, 2023 — Fact checked by Michael Crescione


How a New App Can Help You Eat 5 Servings a Day of Fruits, Vegetables

A new app can help you track how much fruit and vegetables you are eating a day. Eternity in an Instant/Getty Images

  • Researchers have developed a new Google app that keeps track of the amount of vegetables and fruits you consume each day.
  • Experts say the app can help people reach the recommended 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
  • However, they say it could be problematic for people with eating disorders.
  • They add that you can also increase your intake of fruits and vegetables without a tracking device by making simple substitutions in meals.

A new app has been designed to help you eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables.

SMART 5-A-DAY is rated E for everyone and is available now in the Google Play store.

It works by helping you keep track of the total amount of fruits and vegetables consumed each day. It also provides education about proper portion sizes.

Teaching about portion sizes is an effective tool to improve dietary habits in the long-term rather than simply for the short period that they use the app, said Katherine Appleton, PhD, a professor of psychology at Bournemouth University in England who led the studies and the development of the new app, in a press release.

The purpose of the fruits and vegetables app

The food tracking app was developed in an effort to address the lower-than-ideal consumption of fruits and vegetables in people in the United Kingdom.

Public Health England reports that less than a third of adults are getting the recommended 5-a-day servings of fruits and vegetables.

The agency adds that children are consuming even less. For example, reporting from 2018 shows less than 20% of children ages 5 to 15 actually had 5 servings per day.

According to the study authors, previous studiesTrusted Source from Bournemouth University found that although most adults in the United Kingdom know about the 5-a-day message, they lack the understanding or tools about how to achieve the goal.


Dietary study shows positive potential

The pilot controlled study that influenced the final app release was published in JMIR Mhealth Uhealth.

It included 94 volunteers. Fifty participants used the app for 2 or 4 weeks while 44 participants did not receive the app. Researchers said the results from the study helped formulate the overall development and release of the app.

Fruit and vegetable knowledge, intake, and behavior were assessed after the first week, the second week, and then again after 2 and 4 weeks.

Researchers said the benefits were small but not insignificant.

“Although benefits from the app were small, impacts will likely increase as a result of recent modifications,” the study authors wrote in the press release.

Expert thoughts on food tracking apps

“Many of my patients have asked me if food tracking apps can be a useful way of eating better,” says Amy Bragagnini, MS, RD, CSO, an oncology nutrition specialist at Trinity Health Lacks Cancer Center in Michigan and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

While food tracking apps can be useful, Bragagnini told Healthline she encourages people to look at reviews and speak to registered dietitians before deciding on a tracking app.

“If you find one that works for you, then I recommend trying to be diligent about using it every day for a while, just to get an accurate idea of what you are eating,” she adds.

Amy Reed, MS, RD, CSP, LD, a pediatric dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says if the app is only tracking fruit and vegetable servings, it may be helpful for a short period of time to raise awareness of where fruits and vegetables could fit into the diet.

But recommendations to use tracking apps would be based on a case-by-case basis, she adds.

Some things to consider would be the age of the person that may be using the app, for example.

“If it is a child under 18 and they do not have a smartphone, then I would take a pause and discuss the possibility of the parent using the app and tracking the child,” Reed told Healthline.

For people with a history of disordered eating

Food tracking is not typically recommended for people with a history of disordered eating or eating disorders.

“The fruits and vegetables tracking application seems like a great way to increase intake of healthy and nutrient-dense produce, but I would be concerned that one prone to disordered eating may shy away from consuming a balanced diet and may develop a fixation on consuming fruits and veggies only,” says Bragagnini.

“This may lead them down the path to extreme weight loss and possible nutrient deficiencies,” she adds. “As always, if anyone has disordered eating tendencies, I would advise them to speak with their doctor and seek counsel from a registered dietitian before downloading a food tracking application.”

Reed echoes this sentiment.

She says if a client has a history of disordered eating and they report that tracking their intake was a trigger for them, then she would not recommend it.

Kara Becker, LMFT, the clinical director of eating disorders at Newport Healthcare, tells Healthline there is always a possibility of disordered eating and eating disorders being triggered by tracking food.

“For people who have struggled in their relationships with food, it’s best to consult with a registered dietitian to make sure the meal plan they intend to follow is suitable for their personal needs and condition,” Becker told Healthline.

Options for increasing fruits and vegetables without tracking

“If you find you are falling short in the produce department and are not interested in using techy apps, first take a second and review what you are already eating each day,” says Bragagnini.

So, instead of changing your typical meals, see if you can include or substitute fruits or veggies, she says.

Reed adds that eating fruits or vegetables at all meals and snacks is a great place to start.

“A person does not need to venture into the exotic fruits and vegetables, but simply include easy-to-grab fruits and vegetables such as bananas, mandarin oranges, baby carrots, baby cucumbers, and apples,” she adds.

Finally, if you’re not sure where to start, a registered dietitian nutritionist is a great resource for teaching different ways to increase fruits and vegetables in the diet, says Reed.

Meal planning ideas from Bragagnini

  • If you eat yogurt, toss in colorful mixed berries or make a fruit and vegetable smoothie instead.
  • If you snack on hummus and chips, skip the chips and choose baby carrots instead.
  • If spaghetti is a dinner staple for you, add mushrooms to the ground meat you are using and toss in some carrots to the sauce for good measure.
  • Try zucchini noodles instead of regular pasta.
  • Consider a mixed green salad with chickpeas, avocado, and chicken for lunch.
  • Skip the meat occasionally in favor of a vegetable-rich stir-fry with broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, and snow peas with cauliflower rice. Add grilled tofu if desired.

How we reviewed this article:

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Current Version

Jan 4, 2023

Written By

Michelle Pugle

Edited By

David Mills

Fact Checked By

Dana K. Cassell

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By Michelle Pugle on January 3, 2023 — Fact checked by Dana K. Cassell

5 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat

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5 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat

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13 Low Fat Foods That Are Good For Your Health

Many low fat foods are rich in other important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants. Some have also been associated with health benefits and a reduced risk of chronic disease.

If you’re following a healthy, balanced diet, restricting your fat intake is generally unnecessary.

However, under certain circumstances, limiting the amount of fat in your diet may be beneficial.

For example, low fat diets are recommended if you’re recovering from gallbladder surgery or have gallbladder or pancreatic disease (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Low fat diets may also prevent heartburn, promote weight loss, and improve cholesterol levels (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

Here are 13 low fat foods that are good for your health.

Enrique Díaz/7cero/Getty Images

1. Leafy greens

Leafy greens contain virtually no fat and are loaded with beneficial minerals and vitamins, including calcium, potassium, folate, and vitamins A and K (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

They’re especially rich in certain plant compounds shown to reduce inflammation in your body (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

Not surprisingly, studies suggest that diets high in leafy greens may protect against certain conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Common leafy greens include:

Fresh leafy greens can be added to salads or smoothies. You can also try steaming or sautéing them with your favorite herbs and spices for a wholesome side dish.


Leafy greens contain virtually no fat and plenty of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Research suggests that diets rich in leafy greens may prevent conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.


2. Fruits

Fruits are an excellent option if you’re looking for a sweet, low fat snack. Almost all fruits are low in fat and high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

They’re also particularly rich in plant compounds. In fact, many of these beneficial plant compounds are responsible for the vibrant colors of fruits (15Trusted Source).

In addition, certain plant compounds are known to be potent antioxidants.

In your body, antioxidants guard against harmful, unstable molecules known as free radicals. Cellular damage from free radicals is linked to aging, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and other conditions (11Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source).

Fortunately, many studies suggest that diets high in fruits and vegetables can reduce free radical damage due to their high antioxidant content (17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

Fruits can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or cooked. Try adding them to smoothies and salads or eating them with various dips.


Fruits are sweet, low fat foods loaded with antioxidants, which protect your cells against free radical damage.

3. Beans and legumes

Legumes — also known as pulses — are a class of vegetable that includes beans, peas, and lentils.

They’re low in fat and contain no cholesterol. What’s more, they’re high in fiber, protein, B vitamins, and essential minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, and iron (19Trusted Source).

Due to their highly nutritious profile, beans and legumes offer several health benefits.

Research shows that they may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as manage blood sugar levels (19Trusted Source).

Additionally, regular consumption of beans and legumes may aid weight loss, as the high amounts of fiber can keep you feeling fuller longer (20Trusted Source).


Beans and legumes are low in fat and packed with protein and fiber. Research shows that diets high in beans and legumes may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as aid weight loss and blood sugar management.

4. Sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is a hearty, low fat root vegetable. In fact, one medium sweet potato contains only 1.4 grams (g) of fat (21Trusted Source).

Besides being low in fat, sweet potatoes provide vitamin A, vitamin C, and several B vitamins. They’re also rich in minerals, such as potassium and manganese (21Trusted Source).

Their bright orange color is due to high amounts of beta-carotene, a plant pigment known to protect against the cell damage caused by free radicals (22Trusted Source).

Beta-carotene appears particularly beneficial for your eyes. Research suggests that diets high in beta-carotene are associated with a reduced risk of eye conditions like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).


The sweet potato is a low fat root vegetable packed with vitamins A and C. It’s also high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant which may reduce your risk of certain eye conditions.

5. Tart cherry juice

Tart cherries, also known as sour or Montmorency cherries, are a fat-free fruit rich in anti-inflammatory compounds known as polyphenols (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).

Tart cherries may be beneficial for physically active individuals. Studies suggest that tart cherry juice reduces muscle inflammation and soreness after strenuous exercise (27Trusted Source).

They may also be beneficial for reducing blood levels of uric acid, a chemical that can trigger gout when present at high levels in the blood. Interestingly, studies have shown a link between cherry intake and a reduced risk of gout flare ups (28Trusted Source).


Tart cherries and their juice are fat-free and rich in plant compounds called polyphenols. This fruit may reduce muscle soreness related to exercise and could also be beneficial for gout.


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6. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a robust source of nutrients, including fiber, folate, and other minerals, as well as vitamins C, E, and K (29Trusted Source).

Some common cruciferous vegetables include:

All of these vegetables have virtually no fat, making them an excellent addition to a low fat diet.

Alongside their nutrients, cruciferous vegetables provide sulfur-containing substances known as glucosinolates, which are responsible for the vegetables’ bitter flavor (30Trusted Source).

Glucosinolates have demonstrated anti-cancer effects in test-tube and animal studies (31Trusted Source).

Many observational studies in humans also link high consumption of cruciferous vegetables to a reduced risk of several cancers, including bladder, breast, colon, lung, and stomach cancer (32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source, 36Trusted Source).

Keep in mind that cooking methods can affect the number of glucosinolates available in cruciferous vegetables. You may absorb the most glucosinolates if you eat these vegetables raw, steamed, or sautéed instead of boiled (37Trusted Source).


Cruciferous vegetables are low in fat and high in sulfur-containing substances known as glucosinolates, which may have anti-cancer effects.

7. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a delicious, fat-free food with many purported health benefits.

Interestingly, they don’t fall into any of the traditional food groups — they’re neither a fruit nor vegetable, grain, or animal product.

In fact, mushrooms are fungi used widely as food and medicine for centuries (38Trusted Source).

Common edible types of mushroom include:

Nutrients in mushrooms vary by type — but all contain potassium, fiber, and various B vitamins and minerals. Certain types also pack a significant amount of vitamin D (38Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source).

What’s more, mushrooms are the highest food source of ergothioneine, an antioxidant reported to have potent anti-inflammatory effects (40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).

Research suggests that mushrooms may strengthen your immune system and safeguard against certain cancers (38Trusted Source, 42Trusted Source).


Mushrooms are fungi that contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, plus a unique, anti-inflammatory compound called ergothioneine. They may have immune-enhancing and cancer-fighting effects.

8. Garlic

Garlic’s bold flavor and aroma make it a popular ingredient. What’s more, it has very few calories and almost no fat (43Trusted Source).

Throughout history, garlic has been used for medicinal purposes (44Trusted Source).

Some older research shows that garlic may enhance your immune system and help protect against the common cold when consumed regularly. However, most studies have used supplements containing garlic extract, so it’s unclear whether consuming garlic as part of your diet could have the same effects (45Trusted Source, 46Trusted Source).

Some studies also link the active compounds in garlic to reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, though high amounts of garlic or concentrated supplements are needed to have an effect (47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).


Garlic is commonly used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Research suggests that the active compounds in garlic may help enhance your immune system and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

9. Ancient grains

Ancient grains are loosely defined as grains that have gone mostly unaltered for the past several hundred years, unlike more modern grains, such as wheat and corn (49).

Some popular ancient grains include:

Though each grain has a unique nutritional profile, they’re all low in fat and packed with nutrients, such as protein, fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, and iron (50Trusted Source, 51Trusted Source, 52Trusted Source).

It’s well known that whole grains — including ancient grains — are beneficial for your health.

For one, the high fiber content in ancient grains supports healthy digestion, keeps you feeling fuller longer, and may help manage diabetes (53Trusted Source, 54Trusted Source, 55Trusted Source).

Not only that, but diets rich in whole grains are also associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke (56Trusted Source, 57Trusted Source).


Ancient grains offer a powerhouse of nutrients, including protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and essential minerals. They may manage diabetes, reduce your risk of heart disease, promote fullness, and support a healthy digestive tract.

10. White, lean fish

White, lean fish includes haddock, cod, perch, and pollock.

These types of fish are low in fat, contain very few calories, and are an excellent source of high quality protein.

One 3-ounce (oz), or 85-g, cooked serving of white fish contains around 1 g of fat, 70–100 calories, and a whopping 16–20 g of protein (58Trusted Source, 59Trusted Source, 60Trusted Source, 61Trusted Source).

These fish also provide several essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and niacin (58Trusted Source, 59Trusted Source, 60Trusted Source, 61Trusted Source).

Due to their mild flavors, white fish pair well with bold seasonings. They’re delicious in fish tacos or blackened, baked, or broiled.


White, lean fish are an excellent low fat source of high quality protein. They also contain high amounts of vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and niacin.

11. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a popular, low fat food that provides an impressive amount of high quality protein in just one serving.

The breast is the leanest part of a chicken. A 3-oz (85-g) serving of roasted, skinless chicken breast contains only 3 g of fat but provides 26 g of protein (62Trusted Source).

Aside from protein, chicken offers large amounts of niacin, vitamin B6, selenium, and phosphorus (62Trusted Source).


The breast is the leanest part of the chicken and provides an impressive amount of protein per serving. Each serving also offers high amounts of niacin, vitamin B6, selenium, and phosphorus.

12. Low fat dairy

Low fat dairy includes skim or fat-free milk and low fat varieties of yogurt and cottage cheese.

In general, dairy products are considered excellent sources of protein, several minerals, and the B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, B6, and B12 (63Trusted Source).

Fortified milk is particularly rich in calcium and vitamin D — two nutrients essential for bone health (64Trusted Source).

Additionally, some yogurts contain probiotics, which are bacteria beneficial for your gut health. Be sure to check for live and active cultures on the product label (65Trusted Source).

Bear in mind that fortified soy milk and soy yogurt are also low in fat and offer similar benefits to dairy milk and yogurt.


Fortified low fat milk is an abundant source of vitamin D and calcium, which are essential for bone health. Additionally, some low fat yogurts contain probiotics that boost your gut health.

13. Egg whites

While whole eggs are not considered a low fat food, egg whites are.

That’s because the fat and cholesterol in eggs are concentrated in the yolks.

In fact, the white from one large egg contains 0 g of fat, while a whole large egg including the yolk packs 5 g of fat (66Trusted Source, 67Trusted Source).

Egg whites are also low in calories and a good source of high quality protein, making them an ideal option to reduce your daily intake of fat and calories.


Egg whites are a low fat alternative to whole eggs since fat and cholesterol is concentrated in the yolks. The whites are virtually fat-free and provide ample amounts of protein.

The bottom line

You may be interested in a low fat diet for personal or medical reasons.

For instance, low fat diets may be recommended for digestive issues, weight loss, and certain conditions involving your liver, gallbladder, or pancreas.

Each item on the list above is low in fat and calories and may provide many unique, science-backed health benefits.

If you’re interested in reducing your fat intake, consider incorporating these foods into your diet.


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Last medically reviewed on January 26, 2023

How we reviewed this article:

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Current Version

Jan 27, 2023

Written By

Makayla Meixner

Edited By

Rachael Link

Medically Reviewed By

Amy Richter, RD

Oct 8, 2018

Written By

Makayla Meixner

