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나쁜 1977년 다이어트 지침 – 호르몬성 비만 (2) The Odious Dietary Guidelines 1977 – Hormonal Obesity

by 건강웰빙정보 2016. 12. 12.
by Jason Fung, 한국어 정리 Dr. Hayun Lee

1950년대에 우리는 비만을 다음과 같이 생각했었습니다. 
"어떤 특정 음식을 먹으면 살이 찌는데, 그것이 바로 설탕과 전분식품이다. 과자, 디저트, 빵, 시리얼,파스타를 먹어도 살이 찐다."
This is how we understood obesity in the 1950′s. Certain foods made us fat. Those were the sugars and the starchy foods. Sweets and desserts made us fat. So did bread, cereal, and pasta.
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그리고 정말로 먹어도 살찌지 않는 음식도 있었습니다. 브로콜리와 사과는 많이 먹어도 살이 찌지않았습니다. 비만에 대한 이러한 생각은 우리에게 유용했습니다. 당시에는 비만이 많지 않았었고 통제될 수 있는 문제였습니다.
Then there were other foods that didn’t really cause obesity. Eating broccoli and apples did not make us fat, no matter how many calories worth we ate. And this perspective on obesity served us well. There wasn’t much obesity and it was a controllable problem.

상황은 60년대와 70년대에 바뀌기 시작했습니다. 지방(fat)이 심장질환의 주요 원인으로 악당이 되기 시작했습니다. 반-지방과 반-탄수화물 측 사이에서 활발한 논쟁이 일어났습니다. 가장 큰 문제는 저지방식단을 하면 탄수화물을 많이 먹을 수 밖에 없다는 점이었습니다. 탄수화물이 저지방 다이어트에는 좋지만 동시에 살찌게 하기 때문에 나쁘다는 모순이 생긴 것입니다. 이러한 인지적 부조화  (cognitive dissonance)의 유일한 해결방법은 탄수화물이 더 이상 비만의 원인이 아니라고 주장하는는 것이었습니다. 대신, 칼로리를비만의 원인으로 만들었습니다. 물론 이것이 사실이라는 증거는 없었고, 단순한 추정이었습니다. 이것은 우리를 우롱하는 것이었습니다. 단순한 우롱이 아니고 우리를 멍청이로 만들었습니다. 이 논쟁은 과학자가아닌 정치인인 상원의원 George McGovern이 1977년에 해결했습니다. 그는 언론인 및 과학자와의 며칠 간회의 후, 지방은 악이고 정제된 탄수화물은 무죄라고 했습니다. 설탕도 영양적으로 무죄가 되었습니다. 과당옥수수 시럽을 많이 먹고 무사하시기를 빌었던 것이었습니다. 그 결과 미국에서 나쁜 다이어트 목표가 생겼습니다.정치인의 영양 권장사항. 우리가 노력했다면 바보는 되지 않았을 것입니다. 기존 관념에 대한 새로운 시도였었다고 생각하십시오. 1977년 이전에는, 정부가 무엇을 먹으라고 우리에게 말하지 않습니다. 먹을 것과 먹지 않을 것은 우리 어머니들이 말했습니다. 살이 찌면, 어머니는 과자와 녹말 식품(빵, 파스타, 감자)를 먹지 말라고 말했습니다. 생각해보면 그런 어머니의 말씀만으로 체중 문제를 충분히 컨트롤할 수있었습니다.
Things started to change in the 60′s and 70′s.  Dietary fat began its villainization as a major contributor to heart disease.  A vigorous debate ensued between the anti-fat and the anti-carbohydrate sides.  The major problem was that eating a low fat diet meant that one must eat plenty of carbohydrates. That meant that carbohydrates could not be both good for you (low fat) and bad for you (fattening) at the same time.  The only way around this cognitive dissonance was to say that carbohydrates were no longer fattening.  Instead, calories were fattening. There was, of course, no evidence that this was true at all.  It was merely assumed. This, of course, tends to make an ASS out of U and ME.  Not just an ass, as it turns out, but an obese ass. This debate was settled by Senator George McGovern in 1977 not by scientists, but by politicians.  He decided, after a few days of meetings with journalists and scientists, that dietary fat was the villain, and that refined carbohydrates were as innocent as a nun in a convent. The nutritional sins of sugar were exonerated. Peace be with you, high fructose corn syrup. So, what resulted was the odious Dietary Goals for the United States. Nutritional advice from a politician. We could hardly have been stupider if we tried. Recognize, too, that this was a major break from tradition. Prior to 1977, no government agency told us what to eat. Our mothers told us what to eat and what not to eat. If we were obese, they told us to lay off the sweets and the starchy foods (bread, pasta, potatoes). And hey, guess what – usually that was enough to control the weight problem.

지금 빅브라더는 무엇은 먹고 무엇은 먹지 말라고 구체적으로 권고하고 있습니다. 모든 공공 학교에서가르치고 있습니다. 팜플렛이 만들어졌고 보강되었습니다. 엄마들도 저지방/저포화지방에 대하여 항의할 기회가 없었습니다. 지방 비율을 줄이기 위해 의도적으로 식품의 탄수화물 함량을 늘렸습니다. 비만 유발음식이던 탄수화물이 하루 밤 사이에 건강식품이 되었습니다. 체중을 줄이려면 빵을 덜 먹어서는 안되고 더 많이 먹어야 했습니다. 설탕은? 저지방 음식만 먹는다면 설탕도 OK 이었습니다. 존재하지 않는 과학적증거와 광기로, 살찌게 만드는 탄수화물을 건강한 곡물로 놀랍게 바꾸어 놓았습니다. 어떤 증거가 있었습니까? 증거는 중요하지 않았습니다. 당시에는 그것이 영양 정설이었습니다. 다른 모든 것은 야만이었습니다. 이것을 지키지 않으면 조롱거리가 되었습니다.
Now Big Brother would have specific recommendations on what to eat and not to eat.  This was taught in all the public schools.  Pamphlets were produced and reinforced.  Mom never even had a chance to protest.  Low Fat.  Low in Saturated Fat. A conscious effort was made to increase the carbohydrate content of our foods in order to decrease the percentage fat.  These formerly fattening foods overnight became the healthy foods.  We shouldn’t eat less bread to lose weight. We should eat more bread.  Sugar?  It was fine as long as you ate a low fat diet. With non-existent scientific evidence and maniacal zeal, the fattening carbohydrate made a stunning transformation into the healthy whole grain. Was there any proof? It didn’t matter. This was now the nutritional orthodoxy. Everything else was heathen. If you didn’t toe the line, you were ridiculed.

얻은 것은 우리가 학교에서 배운 악명높은 음식 피라미드 였습니다. 모든 것이 반사실적 영광이었습니다. 우리가 매일 먹어야 하는 음식인 빵, 파스타, 쌀, 감자가 피라미드 기초입니다. 핵심 메시지는 저지방이면 만사가 OK라는 사실 이었습니다. 지방이 제일 큰 문제였습니다. 1995년, 극에 이르러 팜플렛 "미국인을 위한식사계획: 미국심장협회(American Heart Association) 식단”은 다음과 같이 얘기했습니다. 
"당신이 먹는 지방, 포화지방산, 콜레스테롤의 양과 종류를 제어하려면, 저지방 쿠키, 저지방 크래커 ... 무염프레쩰, 딱딱한 사탕, 방울껌, 설탕, 시럽, 꿀, 잼, 젤리, 마멀레이드(발라 먹는)와 같은 다른 식품군에서 간식을고르십시오"
What we got was the infamous food pyramid that we all learned about in school. Here it is in all its counterfactual glory. The base of the pyramid – those foods we should eat every day – bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. The key message was that everything was OK as long as it was low in fat.  Fat was the major problem we were told. It reached an extreme in 1995 the pamphlet “An Eating Plan for Americans: The American Heart Association Diet” proclaimed “To control the amount and kind of fat, saturated fatty acids and dietary cholesterol you eat, choose snacks from other food groups such as…low fat cookies, low-fat crackers…unsalted pretzels, hard candy, gum drops, sugar, syrup, honey, jam, jelly, marmalade (as spreads)”

즉, 저지방 사탕이 모두를 위한 건강 간식이 되었습니다. 할렐루야! 케이크를 먹읍시다! (저지방인 한 -설탕과 밀가루를 먹고 싶은 대로) 그래서 음식 소비에 어떤 일이 일어났습니까? 
버터, 계란, 육류와 같은 고지방 품목의 소비가 줄고, 설탕과 곡물의 소비가 늘었습니다.

성공했습니다! Success!

이것은 바로 정부가 원하던 것이었습니다. 
미국식단에서 지방은 평균 45%에서 35%로 감소하였습니다. 대중은 새로운 다이어트지침의 엄격한 준수로응답했습니다. 설탕 소비는, 1820년에서 1920년대까지 매년 증가되었습니다. 이것은 미국남부와카리브해에 걸친 설탕농장의 확장으로 인한 설탕 생산량 증가의 결과였습니다.
In other words – candy, which is low in fat is a healthy snack for all. Hallelujah! Let them eat cake! (as long as it is low fat – you can have sugar and flour as your heart desires).  So what happened to our food consumption? High fat items such as butter, eggs and red meat decreased in consumption and grains and sugars increased in consumption. This is exactly what the government wanted to happen.  The American diet reduced from an average of 45% fat to 35% fat.  The public responded to the new dietary guidelines with great compliance. If we look at sugar consumption, we see that there was an increase from 1820 to the 1920′s.  This was the result of increased availability of sugar as sugar plantations spread throughout the Southern USA and Caribbean.

설탕 소비 증가

1920년부터 1977년 사이에는 설탕소비가 늘지 않았습니다. 필요한 만큼만 설탕을 먹던 때였습니다.하지만 우리 어머니들은 여전히 과자를 많이 먹지 말라고 그렇지 않으면 살찐다고 말씀하셨습니다. 설탕의죄가 면제된 1977년부터 2000년까지 설탕 소비가 다시 늘었습니다.
Things flattened out from 1920 to 1977 or so.  That’s when we had all the sugar we needed.  But Mom was still there to tell us not to eat so many sweets else we might become a little hefty. When the dietary sins of sugar were exonerated, consumption increased again until about year 2000.

곡물도 매우 비슷했습니다. 곡물 소비는 1977년 까지 꾸준히 줄고 있었습니다. 2000년까지 주로 밀인 곡물소비가 급격히 증가된 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 같은 시기에, 의사들은 환자에게 금연을 권고해서 흡연율이 33%에서 25 %로 떨어졌습니다. 혈압에 대해 말하자면, 고혈압은 1976년부터 1996년 사이에 40% 떨어졌습니다. 혈중 콜레스테롤을 얘기하자면, 같은 기간에 Hypercholesterolemia (고혈중콜레스테롤)는 28% 떨어졌습니다. 일부 사람들이 반대하기도 했지만 대부분의 사람들은 공중보건 경고를 무시하지 않았습니다. 정통 영양다이어트 지침을 준수한 것에 대한 보상은 무엇이었습니까?
The story on grain was very similar. Consumption of grain had been slowly dropping until 1977 or so. Then we see a sharp rising in the consumption of total grain most of which is wheat until year 2000 or so. Around the same time, as physicians counselled patients to stop smoking – smoking rates dropped from 33% to 25%.  We told people to to watch their blood pressure. Hypertension (high blood pressure) dropped 40% from 1976-1996. We told people to watch their blood cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) dropped 28% in that same span. People weren’t ignoring public health warnings, as some have argued – we were listening and complying. What was the reward for such great deference to the nutritional orthodoxy of the time?

 자 한 번 보시지요.  Well, let me show you.
그 대가는 비만이었습니다 Our reward was OBESITY.




